The Details You’re Looking For
Your Questions, Our Answers
Q: When is the next Program/Workshop/event?
A: Available dates will show up on the booking system when they are open for booking. Just click to book and you will see dates available. Also an up to date list of our program dates/times is available on our events page on facebook. Each event contains all the details required.
Q: Can I bring my baby to the Postnatal program?
A: In regards to bringing your baby. We advise that you do not bring them along. If you can’t get childcare then it’s fine to bring your baby* We know what it’s like ourselves and sometimes it can’t be helped. However we Strongly encourage you to come without babies as the program is aimed at the mums. YOU!
Time for yourself which is deserved, needed and normally put to the bottom of your list! There are endless groups out there which are for the baby or the baby prioritised. But YOU are our priority. When mums are happy and healthy then so are your babies.
On the weeks you cannot get childcare we just ask you to let us know you are bringing the baby.
*Baby must be less than a year and immobile. A baby that has developed skills to move around is unsafe to have in class and is not covered on insurance.
Q: How many Weeks post birth do I need to be to be able to book the postnatal program?
A: You need to be at least 6 weeks Post birth if you had a vaginal delivery. 12 Weeks minimum if you had a c-section. This is to enable you have healed adequately and are safe to exercise.
Q: Can I still attend if my child is older? Is there an upper age limit of how old your child is?
A: It’s never too late to get strong and get a bit of yourself back! So of course you can still attend! We have many women who attend our course with grown up children! Anyone who wants to restore their core, meet like minded women and want to invest a little time in themselves each week is welcome!!!!
Q: How can I book onto a Program/Workshop?
A: Simply click to book online and you will be asked to register to book online. It takes a couple minutes and you will be able to book any program that is currently available.
Q: Do I qualify for a funded space, and how do I book a funded space?
A: If you Cannot afford the full price then you qualify. Simple. We trust our fellow women to be honest and support each other. Just simply add the FUNDED COUPON CODE when booking. you can see the funded COUPON CODES in the relevant program info on this website.
FREE spaces are allocated to Women in local sanctuaries and safe houses and in various other extenuating circumstances. Email us to discuss.
Q: How much are the workshops/programs?
A: Prices, Dates, Times and all details of the programs are within the event on our events page on facebook. Alternatively you can see a price list on our Prices and Funding page
Q: How many Weeks is the Postnatal Program?
A: 6 weeks. Click on the event on our events page and all the details you need are within the event info.
Q: Will I be thrown or have to throw anyone?
A: NO, you will not be thrown, nor will you be expected to throw anyone!
This is a basic self-defence course. In order to be thrown and/or throw someone, you would need extensive training. Therefore, these types of moves are not included. If you want to learn skills at this level, then you can look at joining the academy to train regularly in the future.
Q: Will I get hit or have to fight anyone?
A: No. We will be teaching you skills to escape various common attacks. It is not a fighting course, more like a survival course. For the drills, you will partner with another female and/or work with the female instructor. For each drill, you will have a choice of whether to participate or watch; you also are in control of how intensely you wish to do the drills. YOU are in control, YOU CHOOSE.
Q: Do I need to be fit?
A: No. Attackers do not just attack fit people! So fitness isn't required.