Venue: 1-2 Ermington Terrace, Mutley, Plymouth PL4 6QG
Dates: You will find the latest dates both on the booking calendar when you click to book and on our face book page
Price: 6 wk course £65. Workshop £35
Funded Price: 6wk Course £25 3 hour workshop £15 (use coupon code)
All the Information you need:

The 6 week course sessions will be 6.30pm-7.30pm Every Tuesday.
The Workshop is on a saturday afternoon 1-4pm

The ECJJ Self Defence System will be delivered by Sherilee Green under guidance and support of Professor Danny Macmillan & Danny Macmillan Snr.


Special Thanks for Funding/Sponsorship From Devon & Cornwall Police. With their support we can enable our courses and Workshops to be accessable to sanctuaries, refuges, safe houses, and any extenuating circumstances. We also can offer Funded spaces for any survivors of crime, women and their family that have been affected by crime. When booking a space just simply add the code: FUNDED SDW (workshop) or FUNDED SDC (6wk course) You do not need to apply for a funded space, we work on a trust basis that our fellow woman will be honest and only take this option if really needed. The remaining balance we take from the community fund. If in future you are able to give a little back and donate we are always grateful but do not expect it.
Free spaces are available for extenuating circumstances - get in touch to enquire.

To book visit our online booking page: BOOK NOW
You will be required to fill out this Health form before participating. SELF DEFENCE FORM

Spaces are extremely limited so get in touch asap to reserve your space.! First Come first serve.

Visit or FAQs page for the answer to almost all the questions you might have.