“Plymouth Refuge supports women and their children who have fled domestic abuse; many with just what they can carry. Domestic abuse impacts on all aspects of a victims life; including their confidence, self worth, body image, and hobbies such as fitness. It has been lovely to see our ladies grow in confidence week by week, as they regain their independence along with their physical fitness. The impact of Empower lasts beyond the weekly sessions, with our residents continuing to progress with not just their fitness journeys, but also their positive approach to life in general. Thankyou so very much for giving women this opportunity”
- Alice Dickeson – Brand Children and Young People’s Support Worker
“Thank you for giving a little bit of me back. Being a Mum is wonderful but so is doing something for myself.” – K.S
“Sher and Rachel have honestly changed my life. When I first started the group I was really struggling with my mental health and my physical health to the point where I found it difficult leaving the house. This group gave me the opportunity to learn how to help myself physically, be more proactive in taking care of myself and meeting other mums who felt the same way I did so this group also became a source of comfort. After expressing to Sher my physical struggles she appointed me to an amazing physiotherapist who is already making huge positive changes that I never thought were possible. To say that I am grateful and overwhelmed with how amazing this experience has been wouldn't suffice. Empower is amazing and absolutely essential for women! Thank you so much Sher and Rachel! “ JP
“Both Sher and Rachel were very welcoming and helpful from day 1. With lots of fantastic advice around pregnancy, nutrition and taking care of yourself both mentally and physically during and after pregnancy. I have been really struggling with PGP and the trauma of a previous pregnancy where PGP affected my ability to walk and as a knock on my mental health.
After speaking with my GP and midwives I felt fobbed off. Being told there is no help with mental health at the moment due to very long waiting lists for any form of therapy. I felt so alone. My previous experience with PGP had me on crutches, i was terrified of going back to that state and being made to feel like its part of pregnancy, to suck it up and get on with it. It was another a very lonely place. Feeling unsupported by the NHS. Sher and Rachel have helped in so many ways with funding physio and being mentally supportive. Being listened too and not made to feel like a burden.
I really am truly grateful to them both. They literally are a life support for ladies struggling where the NHS are failing” - Lisa Perry
“This program has really given me the confidence and belief to keep trying to work on my core muscles and pelvic floor in the hope that things will become better - before this program, I genuinely thought that I was beyond help!
Initially, I went onto the program with very low expectations that anything could be done. I thought that the only exercises that I could do to try and help my pelvic floor were the squeezes that I have been shown in the past - I had no idea that there were A huge range of exercises that I could do to support my rehabilitation! I will be forever grateful to Sher and Rachel for sharing these with me and show me how to do them properly! Especially when you guys would explain how everything works as it just made so much sense and something clicked In my head that I can improve! I got out of it the motivation that I needed to carry on!
Instructors were 100% wonderful! Everybody should have Sher and Rachel in their lives because they bring sunshine and so much positivity and hope to you during a time in your life when you as a person can fade into obscurity. It is so easy just to have your identity consumed by being a mum and they remind you that you have to take care of yourself as an individual as well.
I just want to give the pair of you a massive heartfelt thank you. I really did think that I was beyond help and this program has revitalised my desire to work on my strength now that I feel that things can and will improve for me. What you guys do is amazing and inspirational and every woman should have you in their lives! Thank you so much! Xxxx” - D J Y
“Oh my gosh I don't even know where to begin... after having my little boy nearly 5 months ago I wanted to do something to kick-start my fitness journey back up after pregnancy took its inevitable toll on my body, despite keeping up with gentle swimming and walking until the day he arrived I knew it was going to take some work to get back to running 20-30 miles a week and smashing out a HIIT session. I signed up for the Empower post natal class as I'd heard amazing things about them, and I am SO glad I did. Sher and Rachel were kind, friendly, hilarious and supportive from the get go. Testing my limits (and my pelvic floor muscles) every week and showing me that I do still have that strength and determination inside me, and most importantly that my body is amazing because it gave me my son. I've always been incredibly negative about myself so for these ladies to have the ability to make me feel good about myself for even an hour a week... I cannot thank them enough. I've made some lovely Mummy friends too and I'm looking forward to some more fit mumma adventures with them. I honestly cannot thank and recommend Empower enough for giving me some self love, appreciation and massive belly laughs!” - Louise Sowden
“ For me personally I feel the social aspect of this course has not only helped with mental health, to have just that hour a week to work on yourself. But also my confidence and drive to want to get fitter. I want to personally thank Sher and Rachel for all their support and I’m looking forward to starting the next phase and continue my journey in a healthier me” – A.C (A happy Mum)
“The program was amazing! The pace and content was just perfect for me. What I found most beneficial was being surrounded by other women in the exact position as myself, all working at the same pace to achieve the same goal.” - F.G
“I’m 34 weeks pregnant with twins and I’ve been suffering with bad back, carpel tunnel and bad cramps. I asked the lovely ladies Rachael and Sher if they could help give me some advice on some exercises to help with this. Very quickly they worked together to give me great advice on what to do and what I could purchase to help (pregnancy ball at the right size I would need) and they both put together a programme for me. I’ve already had a one on one session with Rach which I already know will help me hugely, nothing that I felt uncomfortable with but lots of moves I know I feel safe to do and that will benefit with my concerns and definitely help me. So Thankyou very much Rach and Sher, I can’t wait to start the post natal classes once the twinnies are here cause I know from what I’ve experienced already and from all the fab feedback I’ve heard I’ll be in safe, professional hands x” - Ashleigh Burt
“I’ve just finished the Post Natal Core Stability program and I’ve loved every minute. Sher and Rachel are so knowledgeable and helped build my confidence and strength back ready to exercise again. I didn’t realise how important it was to have a DR check before starting to exercise again and I’m so thankful to have gradually got back in to it with Empower’s support guiding me. I felt really lucky to have two instructors who I felt I could easily approach. It showed that they cared and were so willing to help in person or online. I would highly recommend this program to anyone post natal!” - Sam Moore
“So after many embarrassing training sessions, where I actually had no control over my bladder. One star jump was one to many. I have had three children, all natural births, I literally thought this was natural until you talk to other ladies about this taboo subject.
I eventually plucked up enough courage to seek some advice.
I attended an Empower meeting with lovely Sher and Rachel. They where so professional and spoke from personal experience, so you could completely relate to them. They explained all about the pelvic floors and how to retrain those muscles. About your abdominal muscles and even gave a free check, which is amazing in these crazy times. I actually thought there was no hope for me, but after a short period of time I can see and feel such an improvement. In the space of 4wks I went from being able to a hold pelvic floor from 3secs to at least 6secs. I can now wear other colours of leggings with confidence rather than black.
These ladies really do, fill you with confidence. Most of all these exercises actually work, as long as your willing to put in the effort. Can’t wait to attend the next meeting.” – Emma
“I worked with Sher to help me recover after having a baby. She really listened to the problems and understood how I felt. She helped restore my pelvic and core muscles. I feel stronger and more confident and can jump around as much as I like! The problems I had with my hips have improved significantly. I am now able to move more and I am pain free! I can also run around with my children without having to hold back or worry about the repercussions the next day. Thank you!” – Andreana
“100%. Both instructors have been so welcoming and friendly in their approach. I felt a little nervous when stating the first session as I wasn't sure exactly what to expect, but they both put me at ease straight away with their professionalism, friendliness and dedication to making us all stronger women.” - H.C
“I attended the Empower session today with Sher and Rachel and it was wonderful. It was great to get some advice on how and when to safely exercise after giving birth, but also lovely to see other Mum's and their babies during what is a crazy time in the world. Also with humour and friendliness, both Sher and Rachel made the session feel really comfortable and relaxing. It was great to enjoy a little bit of normal and to have time to chat to other mum's... oh and have a hot cuppa and a scrummy homemade flapjack! Thank you ladies, I will definately be returning in the new year x” – Kayleigh
‘I started working with Sher through the first lockdown this year, I had my eldest 11 yrs ago and STILL can’t do certain day to day activities without causing a great deal of pain in my pelvis. I have always been quite fit and active on and off through adulthood but there are certain things I just can’t physically do without causing damage so after speaking with sher she managed to get to the root of my problem and I’m now on a long slow road to recovery! Finally- after 11yrs of being ignored and fobbed off by other healthcare professionals as something i would just have to put up with- Sher made me see it’s not normal and shouldn’t be put up with at all! Thanks guys- look forward to seeing the progress over the next year too!!” – Lizzie
“This was literally incredible ! Thank you Rachel Harrison. I feel like I have gained so much more knowledge on how to exercise safely post-pregnancy. Gotta keep working on my pelvic floor muscles but I can’t wait for your programme to start in the new year. For those ladies that are pregnant or post pregnant and wanna get back into fitness and exercise, PM me and I’ll pass your details on. ” – Sami
“I had the Abdominal check today, which is just one of the ladies feeling your tummy. It was a lovely session informing about exercise and what you should do post partum. Sher and Rachel were lovely and it was nice to see other mummies as this pandemic has me feeling somewhat isolated and I haven’t been to any mum and baby groups. I would highly recommend the check up “ – Jourden
“When I first found out I had diastases a few years after my last baby it was a bit of a shock as I knew nothing about this or even how I could repair it. I contacted Sher and she was absolutely fantastic. Sher wasted no time to contact me privately to find out all the relevant information needed to give me the best help and advice and exercises suitable to help heal me and checked up on my progress. I am so grateful for your help Sher, you go above and beyond and I can’t thank you enough x” – Naomi
“All the Empower classes that the team provide are amazing. Sher, Rachel & Danielle are the kindest, most supportive women as well as being excellent at what they do. The Self Defense course was amazing. Something that should be taught in schools! I can't wait to do the course on menopause health & fitness. one of my better life choices was to turn up to a Sher Spin class all those years ago. I have made good friends & my confidence is unbelievable compared to where I started from. I can't recommend highly enough!” - Jane Cookson
“Having recently completed a course with Empower, I cannot recommend them highly enough! Having known Sherilee Green for a little while now, I had no doubt that this course would be informative and taught in a way that is accessible for everyone...I was not disappointed. The Empower team truly is a power house for enabling women in a variety of ways. The topic (ladies self-defence) can be a very emotive one that brings all sorts of nasty scenarios to the surface but the team approached it all with sensitivity and a desire to ensure everyone felt safe and working within their own limits. In a time when the ability to protect yourself and have the ability to get away from a dangerous situation seems more important than ever, it is great to come away with some tips and tricks to help me do just that - should the need ever arise. Thank you for your dedication and superb instruction.” - Lauren Humphrey