PGP Treatment
It is extremely important to remember (and I will say it again) - PGP/SPD IS COMMON AND IS TREATABLE IN MAJORITY OF CASES!
With Manual Therapy from a Specialist, pain and symptoms can be managed. This can make your pregnancy and postnatal experience a much less painful one and one you can enjoy. Contrary to what you might have been told, there IS something you can do. Your only option is NOT drugs that could potentially increase health risks to your baby.
So What is Manual Therapy?
Manual Therapy involves the therapist gently using their hands to release pelvic joints and relieve painful muscles. This allows them to work normally again. Each treatment should leave you with a feeling of Improvement. Either by a reduction in pain or improvement in function. Maybe BOTH!
Often you will be given some exercises specific to your own PGP to work on at home when your pain has reduced. Remember, pain stops your muscles working properly, so exercising when you are in lot’s of pain is very unlikely to help and can in fact make it worse.
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