I Miss Me!

I have been meaning to post this since the subject came up AGAIN last week with a new mum and AGAIN with a mum to be. And it comes up literally on every program we run at some point........

The subject of - Missing your old self or life, or the things you used to do before pregnancy!

Firstly I will say that I am pretty sure every single woman feels this at some point (even if they don't admit it). so DO NOT feel guilty for feeling that way. And just to give you some future advice, you will probably feel at some point like "what the hell have I done" and that is normal too. So again no guilt on this one. Its O.K to have Bad days and not enjoy Motherhood sometimes.

The phrase was used... " I used to be a .........."

Put whatever you like in the gap: Surfer, Dancer, Boxer, Footballer, party animal, Whatever, it doesn't matter. The fact still remains the same, YOU STILL ARE.

I felt exactly the same. I remember saying to a friend between sobs " I miss me!"(and feeling guilty for it).

I thought, "I used to be A Martial Artist, I used to love climbing tors and exploring Dartmoor. I miss it"

I wish I knew then what I know now. This period of time where I couldn't do the things I used to do IS TEMPORARY. Its not forever. I am still that person, I am still a martial artist, A Hiker, A mountain biker, an Instructor etc, But now I am also a mother.

I haven't lost part of my Life, I've added to it. I've not Changed, I'VE GROWN! There's more to me now.

So yes, things change, they change a lot, and with it so does your priorities and how you split your time etc. But I am Still Me.
But a better version of me.

I missed jujitsu and Climbing those tors so much. But do you know what? Training Jujitsu with my son is the best feeling in the world, Training with him is better than any session I did before I was a mother. And the views at the top of those tors look so much more incredible when I share them with him. (here are a few pics)

When you take your little one along with you and share your dreams and interests with them, its amazing.

To the lady who felt "she used to be a surfer" - one day when you Surf with your little one, or with them watching from the shore in admiration. It will be the best surfs you ever do.

The best is yet to come ladies. You wont loose yourself. You will find yourself.

Just remember to give yourself time, lots of time, its a big change so things wont happen over night and everyone is different in the time it takes. Also, take all the help and support you can get! - Empower is always here to add to that support so you are not alone


SPD: My story